How to flick people off in texting

Grand Street: Texting | Flickr - Photo.
This was actually taken at the corner Bowery and Delancy but it was during my Grand Street excursion. This photo was taken on March 10, 2006 using a Canon
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Text People Online I like texting "k" to people because I know it pisses them off. 4,083 likes · 0 talking about this.
Web startups are made out of two things: people and code. The people make the code, and the code makes the people rich. Code is like a poem; it has to follow certain
Don't just sit there scratching your head, find useful info on Texting on eHow. Get essential tips and learn more about everything from How to Make Movable Text on
How Yahoo Killed Flickr and Lost the.

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I like texting "k" to people because I.
How to flick people off in texting
How to flick people off in texting
Wired's How-To Wiki Has Moved! - Wired.
People Texting and Driving Flickr: Help: Sharing